Improvements to Creechurch Lane Streetscape

The City of London Corporation, with support and part-funding from the Eastern City, are consulting on plans to enhance the pedestrian environment along Creechurch Lane between Leadenhall Street and Mitre Street.

Full details are available here  but in summary the proposed changes are as follows:

  • A raised crossing at the junction of Creechurch Lane, Bury Street and Mitre Street.
  • A permanent street layout to replace the temporary seating and greening measures on Creechurch Lane, to include wider pavements on the eastern side of the street.
  • Relocation of payment parking bays, a motorcycle bay and an e-scooter hire bay to provide additional pavement space. Alternative locations have been identified in the vicinity and will be subject to further statutory consultation.
  • The introduction of tree planting and greening subject to underground utilities.
  • There will be pavement space for businesses to place tables and chairs, however, this is subject to a license and will require further approval.

Should you have any questions or comments about the proposals please contact the Project Manager, Maria Herrera